About Me



online consulting worldwide 

Hi, I’m Heather.

And in that picture with me, is my 11 year old pit bull named Stoney. I could go on and on about her, but, somehow writing about myself is a little more difficult. Ironic.wink
I was born in the PNW (Oregon to be exact) and have lived a multitude of places. I say it’s because my mother was a gypsy at heart. I was in 11 different schools by the time I was in 9th grade. So, making friends was never tough. But, being teased about my weight was relentless. Kids are mean. Nuff said.

I have a son. He’s 26 and I just never lost that “baby” weight. I always thought it was because I was “big boned” or genetics. Being of Russian/German/Scottish heritage. I like my bread and potatoes. But, it wasn’t that. I was “big” because I was never eating the right things for my body. My body was telling me (with my digestion, inflammation, foggy brain, cravings, etc) and I was never listening.

It wasn’t until I ended up in the ER with a Dr telling me that I had diverticulitis and if I didn’t take the time off to heal, that it could kill me. It’s then that my “health” journey began. That was 4 years ago.

I had done all the things (the workouts, the bars, the drinks, the diets) that my friends and colleagues had done, but I just wasn’t getting the same results. Mentally nor physically.

It wasn’t until I became an NTP (Nutritional Therapy Practitioner), that I truly understood how amazing and capable the human body is and how different we all are. What works for one may not work for another. And that’s where I can help you. Suscribe to my newsletter here. We are all bio-individuals and it all starts with the Foundations first.

my services

How We Work Together

As a Nutritional Therapist Practitioner, I am trained to identify nutritional deficiencies and work with clients to correct them. I believe in traditional foods and learn the science behind why they are so important in our diet. It really does begin with the Foundations First.  Digestion, Blood Sugar, Dietary Fats, Minerals and Hydration.

Initial Consultation/Session: (month 1, week 1) $225 and includes: 

1. The initial session is where we go over the Initial Interview, food journal, and NAQ. From this, I can create a better understanding of where you are in your needs.
2. Create your plan and give you your most-needed supplements right away. (If that is what you choose or whether we go completely holistic approach).
3. You will receive plenty of support tools to begin implementing the plan that we’ve agreed upon, such as recipes and handouts. Plus, any information you may have requested.
4. A follow-up phone call after your first week to see how you are doing with the

Single Sessions AFTER Initial Session $80

We discuss how you are doing with implementing the recommendations and find out what is working and what may not be working. I will be able to provide support where needed and give
additional recommendations that we can agree upon.
If it’s going well, I will provide 3 action steps along with additional education to support those action
If you’re struggling with the recommendations, I can help trouble shoot the areas in which you’re
struggling and help find solutions.

If, AFTER the first session, it will be determined by your needs if a longer program is required. I do offer
a 6 month program as well. $700

Tailored (to your needs) Program: 3months includes “Initial Session” $500

Session 2: (month 1 week 3)
This is where we discuss how you are doing with implementing the recommendations and find out
what is working and what may not be working. I will be able to provide support where needed and give
additional recommendations that we can agree upon.
If it’s going well, I will provide 3 action steps along with additional education to support those action
If you’re struggling with the recommendations, I can help trouble shoot the areas in which you’re
struggling and help find solutions.
We will also review your follow-up paper work that was sent to you prior to this session.
Session 3: (month 2 week 1)up to 1 hr
Session 4: (month 2 week 3)up to 1 hr
Session 5: (month 3 week 1)up to 1 hr
We discuss how the new implementation of recommendations and actions steps is going for you. If it’s
going well, we will discuss 3 new action steps for you to take and you will receive additional education
to support those action steps.
We will also review your follow-up paperwork that was sent to you prior to this session.

Book a Free Consultation

Are you ready for change? Are you done being stuck? Do you want to gain a better understanding of how your body and hormones are meant to work? With change comes struggle, do you want help getting through it?

Just click the button below and we can schedule a free 20 minute “Discovery Session” and we will assess your needs and goals. We’ll discuss your primary complaints and what you’d like to see getting out of nutritional therapy and what it might look like to work together. With a focus on bio-individuality, I’ll help you to figure out what the best type of service would be moving forward.

“The Doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs, but will rather cure and prevent disease with NUTRITION.” -Thomas Edison

“Every Human Being is the Author of their own health or disease.” – author unknown

“Most people have no idea how good their body is designed to feel.” – Kevin Trudeau

“I believe in Bio-Individuality. What works for one person might not work for another person. Be yourself. Everyone else is taken.” -author unknown